

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 广富林
  • 姓名: 李林
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    LXT LABEL KITS, established in 2010, is a professional company in designing and manufacturing engraved labels with main product of solar placards for solar PV system. "Customized solar placards" are our high-lighted competitive advantages, placards can be designed and produced according to various project requirements. Best Quality UV resistant material are used to produce the label kits to comply to latest version AS/NZS 5033 for Australia and New Zealand standards and NEC 690 and 705 for North America standards. LXT has 10 sets high technical rotary engraving machines to provide engraving prompt and economical service for text, image and photo, and shaping for drilling holes, round edge and cutting to any shape. Different colors could also be chosen. Printed solar labels and Reflective .. (>>查看全部)
    经营范围 公司主要经营Solar,Placards,Solar,Labels, LXT LABEL KITS, established in 2010, is a professional company in designing and manufacturing engraved labels with main product of solar placards for solar PV system.